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First Table Frequent Foodies® terms and conditions


  1. Frequent Foodies® is a loyalty program that First Table members are automatically enrolled in. Frequent Foodies rewards users for using restaurant discovery website First Table to make bookings, refer friends to the platform, write reviews and more.
  2. By joining First Table and using the platform, you are included in the Frequent Foodies loyalty program and therefore agree to these terms and conditions. If you are not signed up to First Table, then you may sign up via or via the First Table App.
  3. Membership is available to all First Table users. If you are already signed up to First Table, and you make a booking, you’re in.  If you do not wish to be included in Frequent Foodies, please contact our support team.
  4. Disputes around the services offered by Frequent Foodies can be raised by contacting our support team.
  5. You may be entitled to benefits pursuant to the Frequent Foodies loyalty program, however the ongoing operation of and your participation in, Frequent Foodies is not guaranteed by First Table.
  6. First Table retains the right to change or cancel Frequent Foodies at any time pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.
  7. Frequent Foodies is only offered to New Zealand First Table accounts. Status Points are not able to be accumulated in other countries where First Table is present and benefits /rewards are unable to be redeemed in other countries.
  8. Any bookings made prior to the launch of Frequent Foodies on 1 February 2023 will not be included in your points balance.

Status Points

  1. The full table of actions to earn Status Points can be found in our how to earn section.
  2. Each action enables you to earn Status Points to redeem rewards and unlock an exclusive range of Frequent Foodies benefits.
  3. First Table reserves the right to add, remove, expire, extend, increase and/or reduce the Status Points or status level of any user at any time.
  4. First Table also reserves the right to modify the points awarded for any action going forward. This includes but is not limited to adding new ways to earn Status Points, no longer awarding points for certain actions, and modifying the number of Status Points awarded for any action.
  5. Restaurant booking Status Points are awarded 2 days after an action, for example if you book a First Table or Regular Table, and attend your reservation, your Status Points will be added 2 days after the dining date. Referral, reviews and Review of the Week winner Status Points are added immediately.
  6. If you cancel a restaurant booking you will not be awarded the specified Status Points.
  7. If you don’t show up to a restaurant booking you will not be awarded the specified Status Points.
  8. For Status Points earned for reviewing a restaurant, the amount of points earned is set irrespective of whether the review contains a public review, private review, or both.

Status levels:

  1. There are three status levels available to Frequent Foodies members: Silver (unlocks at 10 Status Points), Gold (unlocks at 600 Status Points) and Platinum (unlocks at 1200 Status Points). 
  2. To maintain Silver status level you must make and attend a booking on the First Table website, or earn 10 Status Points (from other actions) within the 365 days from the date you qualified as Silver status level.
  3. To maintain Gold status level you must earn 600 Status Points within the 365 days from the date you qualified as Gold status level.
  4. To maintain Platinum status level you must earn 1200 Status Points within the 365 days from the date you qualified as Platinum status level.
  5. The benefits of your new status level are valid for 12 months from the date you reach that status level. After that your points will begin to expire in monthly batches on a rolling 12 month basis. For example, all Status Points earned in February 2023 will expire in March 2024.
  6. You can check your status level and Status Points by logging in to your First Table account.


  1. See the full list of benefits on our status levels and benefits page.
  2. Half-price breakfast and lunch bookings: The booking fee discount will automatically be applied to your profile.
  3. Eighth day availability: Three passes at Gold status level, and unlimited access at Platinum level, will automatically be available to your profile when you have reached each status level.
  4. Discounts on First Table vouchers: 15% discount off gift vouchers at Gold status level, and 25% discount off gift vouchers at Platinum status will be automatically deducted in the cart.
  5. Availability alerts: Diners must have opted in to contact permission for First Table marketing emails and app notifications to enable this benefit.

Notice period:

  1. You will receive an email 30 days prior to your status level expiring (you must have opted in to contact permission for First Table marketing emails.)

Privacy and data usage

  1. First Table respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. To learn how your data is processed by First Table, you can read our privacy policy.


Status Points: points used to determine your applicable membership level: Silver, Gold or Platinum. 

Benefit: any of the facilities, promotions, or services offered or available to a Frequent Foodies Member as a result of his or her participation in the Program according to the table of benefits.


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